Saturday, September 17, 2011

Or I Could Have Written My Last Blog ...

as follows.

McGuinty's my main man.

He's got my vote come October 6th.

The Guy Listens !!

Take for instance my out of control hydro bills.

They have been tamed and its all thanks to McGuinty.

I am sure of it.

Rather being charged high, medium and low rates for hydro - since early August we are now paying just the low rate of 6 cents per kwh for all of the 24 hours. You need to multiply that by 2.5 mind you to incorporate all the other charges - but heck it is a real deal given what we had been paying.

Now some will tell you it is because the Smart Meters are misfunctioning.

Cynics all.

I'd prefer to believe that our distinguished Premier has seen the light and has backed off his userous hydro charges.

Others tell me it is simply a ploy to get through the Election.

Can you imagine Mr. McGuinty doing that?

Of course not - the guy is a true as they come.

No sir - cheap hydro rates are here to stay.

You can count on it.

So I hope you join with me in voting Grit on the 6th our new cheap Hydro Rates depend upon it.

As I don't see it...

'K.D. Galagher'