Friday, September 23, 2011

Nor Do I Often Disagree With Canada & The USA..

But I think I do in regard to Palestine and its bid for Nation Status at the United Nations.

Today the President of Palestine tabled a motion at the United Nations claiming full Nation State Status among the Nations of the World.

The Motion will now go to the UN's Security Council and will be voted on in due course.

Canada and the United States are on record as opposing the Palestinian request and with the US Veto, it will assuredly be denied.

But should Canada and the United States be taking this position?

I think not.

Imagine, if you would, that Canada was in a similar position as Palestine and we were being blocked by the US veto or any other Veto Power Nation. How would we feel; probably no different than the Palestinians.

Now in fairness, I think that the Palestinian Leadership's true intention is to foster dissent - more dissent, against Israel and its Allies than currently exists - if that is possible.

If they were sincere in their application, it would have been made years ago.

But from their people's perspective, to go down the state-hood road and then be blocked by outside countries, would be a bitter pill to swallow.

That there is going to be violence and blood shed because of the Veto, goes without saying.

But let's be honest, that same fear of violence exists should State Hood be granted.

So either way; riots, calamity and even war are a likely fallout regardless of which road is taken.

So why not go with the State Hood Road?

At least it grants the Palestinians honour and if we in the West were seen to approve of their application, it would provide us with a measure of favour on their part.

If as the West believes, State Hood will make the negotiations with Israel more complex than they already are - so be it.

Nothing much was happening in that regard - nor is likely to happen.

Palestine wants the right of return and Israel wants recognition.

The two goals are simply incompatible.

So why not grant them their State Hood and go from there come what may.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'