Tuesday, September 13, 2011

McGuinty and Company...

Lie Lie Lie

And sometimes remain Silent.

The Lies:

  • He lied about not raising taxes;

  • He lied about all the Green Jobs he had produced - "20 some thousand" he said - but in reality only a handful;

  • He lied about all the power that would be produced through Solar and Wind while Hydro Rates doubled plus;

  • He lied about Ontario's Economy being the best in Canada - when studies show we are tied with PEI for dead last;

  • He lied about creating an employment fund for Immigrants and when confronted said he really meant Skilled Immigrants and then he corrected that again to say he really meant new Canadians. His nose gets longer and longer.

But dear reader sometimes he remains silent:

Like in the case of 21 year old Brandon McCarthy. Brandon suffers from muscular dystrophy a terrible fatal illness that taxes your muscles and results in other nefarious conditions. Brandon is slightly over 65 pounds.

In order to survive he needs a special high caloric diet and until recently the province paid him $250 per month to assist in buying special foods - foods liquid in nature since he can barely swallow.

Without warning his food supplement of $250 was cut off - no word from the Man McGuinty - not a word from his responsible Minister the infamous Madelleine Meilleur.

A stream of protest went up on Brandon's behalf but only...


So even when McGuinty doesn't lie - he has the ability to cause destruction by just being quiet.

And then there is today's poll showing he and his Party ahead of the PCs.


So unbelievable in fact that I still do not see McGuinty's Grits winning on the 6th.

There is an olde expression in Politics that sadly I adhere to:

"Never underestimate the intelligence of the voter".

But there is another one that goes like this:

"You can fool some of the people all of the time; and some of the people some of the time; but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time".

I am hoping that after two previous mistakes the latter will prove correct and McGuinty and company will get their just desserts at last.

As I see it..

'K.D. Galagher'