Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Where Does This Leave The NDP?

Note: in the following, I mistakening refer to Paul Dewar as being unilingual English - apparently this is not so. But recent reports state he does speak French. That said, I am not certain how proficient he is in French - but even if very proficient, he will be seen as Anglo and will need a Quebec Lt. - especially with a Quebec centred caucus. And that is where dear Nycole comes in. Also note, just because I think such a team makes sense for the NDP please do not assume that I would in any sense endorse it; I wouldn't, if for no other reason than Turmel's separatist leanings. G.

Before I get into this topic let me reiterate my sentiments from yesterday's Blog, namely:

Jack Layton was a nice man but a dangerous politician given his left leaning and Separatist friendly bent.

Now though the question turns to the NDP and its future without Jack.

Had Mr. Layton lived to lead his Party in another Election, I believe he would not have enjoyed the success he realized this year. His Caucus' Quebec Separatist focus would have, over the next four years, been his undoing. With his passing though, we'll now never know.

So what is in store for the NDP without Jack Layton at its Head?

From my perspective, the Party is most likely to self destruct. I say this since Layton was the only one who could have had some success in holding this mis-be-gotten group together. (The Liberals, under interim leader Rae are most likely salivating at the thought).

And, this is surely to happen should Nycole Turmel run for its Leadership. If she wins - she will alienate the ROC / NDP and if she loses, gone are the Quebecers.

There is though a possible winning solution and that involves a successful Leadership bid by Ottawa Centre MP - Paul Dewar.

Dewar is a well respected, contained individual who would bring needed gravitas to the job.

As a non-Francophone and unilingual Anglo, he would need a Lieutenant and this is where Turmel could come in.

But it would of course take a few things to accomplish: 1. Dewar would need to run for the office; 2. Turmel would need to see the writing on the wall and throw her support behind Dewar before the Leadership race even begins; and 3. the Dewar / Turmel Team would need to get sufficient support from the NDP Delegates.

I would say this scenario has less than a 20% chance of occurring - but if it does not happen, I would say the NDP has a 100% chance of flagging come next Election.

Once again, you heard it here first...

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'