Thursday, August 25, 2011

It May Be Legal....

But It Certainly Is Not Ethical - nor is it Democratic.

I am speaking about the 'Friends of Lansdowne' and their ongoing efforts to frustrate the Will of our Elected Representatives on Ottawa City Council.

A little background:

Two consecutive City Councils have approved plans for the revamp of Lansdowne Park - the one, until this year, hosted the annual Ottawa Exhibition.

These 'Friends' are for the most part Glebites - those privileged few who live in lands adjacent to the Park. They want to retain the Park in its current dilapidated form as a place to walk their spoiled pets amongst the weeds.

Annually, the City pays over $3 million to maintain (?) this large, crumbling vacant lot.

With development, the City would be in the plus as a result of tax revenues from a restored site.

It is a no-brainer.

But it is also a travesty to see such a small biased number be able to frustrate the will of the people via court challenges.

'Friends' to date have gone through the Ontario Municipal Board and First Judicial Level to no avail. Costs to the City (aka taxpayer) total well over $1 million.

And now, these dear 'Friends' are appealing their negative decision to Ontario's Superior Court.

What if all decisions of Council were challenged in a similar fashion - there would be gridlock.

But sadly it is Legal.

But that's not all that may be Legal but is neither Ethical nor Democratic.

CUPE - Ottawa City's largest union is funding 'Friends of Lansdowne' to the tune of $15 k.

Of course, CUPE is not there to protect the right of a few to walk their dogs - they are not so civic minded. Rather, one suspects (i.e. knows) it is to preserve its members jobs which would be lost in the privatization of the Park.

From my perspective, both as a student of Political Science and as a former Bureaucrat, Civil Servants are to remain non-partisan. It follows for me, that their Reps - in this case CUPE - should be similarly apolitical. Civil Servants and Unions have ample processes available within their Collective Bargaining System to advance their positions. They do not need to appeal to the Judiciary to thwart democracy.

Moreover, to financially support private groups like 'Friends' is a conflict of interest and if not illegal, should soon be made so.

After all, there is only one Taxpayer and with 'Friends' like 'Friends' and 'CUPE' frustrating the will of the people and costing millions in the process...

We do not need Enemies.