Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cry Me A River...

Our esteemed Provincial Treasurer, Dwight Duncan, is quoted in today's newspapers as saying 'Ontario Voters are tiring of anti-waste crusades'.

He wishes.

Let's review some of these "Crusades" causing Liberal Initiatives:

  • First, was the Health Premium his Boss put in place immediately after his initial Election having promised he "would not raise taxes" during his first term. As memory serves, he even signed an agreement to that effect with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

  • Then there was the $1 Billion Dollar Health Care Boondoggle, followed by the Hydro One Boondoggle whereby hydro user rates doubled and tripled. Of note - hydro users are still paying for "debt reduction" that has been retired some time ago

  • And the Green Energy fiasco whereby rates of over 82 cents per kwh were and are paid for wind and solar energy despite the fact that neither source is an effective generator of electricity and despite the fact that Ontario has a major glut of Electricity Production. Indeed, the glut is so large, Ontario has to pay other jurisdictions to take the surplus off our hands. I know - trivial under the circumstances.

  • And the PST / GST scandal whereby items not previous taxed by both are now all included in McGuinty's new HST. A real windfall for an alleged revenue neutral exercise.

  • There is a long list of items (e.g. paints / tires) where the public is charged eco or green fees and just last year the McGuinty Gov't tried to secretly extend this list but retreated when word got out.

So there is lots of fodder for 'crusades' but as Dwight Duncan so aptly states - it just gets so tiring.

And of course, Ontario is doing so well under the Grits - $16 Billion annual Deficit and $263 Billion in overall Debt and of course Have Not Status.

Ontario for the first time in Confederation History is now 'transfer recipient Province' - what an accomplishment. And, a great source of funding too - now we can cash in on Alberta's largess with the Rest of Canada.

I know, all minor considerations in the scheme of things.

But you cannot fault Duncan for his priorities. In the same article, he is quoted as saying how proud he is that Ontario's Public Service is so "well-paid".

So increasing taxes, out of control debts and well-paid bureaucracies - it is no wonder that taxpayers are tiring of their crusades.

If I were the Treasurer though I might start to consider another line of work after the October Election.

As I see it ...

'K.D. Galagher'