Monday, June 13, 2011

A Senate Page ...

And Her Sign.

This Young Lady deserves the 'Book' thrown at her.

The nerve.

Here she is, holding down a very prestigious position as Senate Page and she abuses the Trust bestowed upon her.

What was she thinking?

Now she has established a trust fund for donations and in her Web Site, bemoans the fact that she was "fired" from her Senate Post.

Reality Check - the position of Page is a Volunteer one - albeit highly sought after - it is not though a paid position.

Bottom line - she is not out of pocket, and moreover as a result of her high-jinx, her economic future is now much brighter.

But it is not for her juvenile antics that I want the Book Thrown at this Young Lady.

Rather it is because the Sign she held up, in all her obnoxious fervor, was in English Only.

Does the Woman not realize that this Country is a Bilingual One?

A Unilingual Sign - and English to boot - in Canada's Highest Institution is nothing less than Sacrilege.

Even as a lowly Page, this Lady would know the Slight caused by this.

Where is Jack Layton and his Kindergarten Caucus when you need them?

That said, let me be clear - when I say throw the book at Ms. Muffet, I am not suggesting for a minute that she do hard time in a federal prision, - rather two years less a day in a provincial facility would suffice.

And with that, she might even qualify for a Hudak Chain Gang and be able to pick litter - possibly even some discarded signs.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'