Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Lot Of Huffing & Puffing

Over Harper’s 3 Appointments to the Senate.

In a few days time this will be history but I personally view these appointments to be a hopeful sign.

First, it sets the stage in the Senate for some Real Reform. Harper will most certainly introduce term limits for the Upper House and he needs to be sure that he has enough votes in that Chamber to see it through.

As an aside, I get quite a kick out of Layton’s frothing that the appointments of these three unsuccessful Tory Candidates “is a slap in the face to Canadians and is most undemocratic”.

Earth to Jack – the Senate itself is Most Undemocratic.

My Second reason for optimism is that I see these appointments as a sign that the Tories are planning to ‘hit the ground running’ once the Throne Speech has been delivered.

Harper, with his Minority Status, has suffered at the Hands of The Opposition for the last 5 years. Now he has a chance to break the deadlock and really get on with business.

The controversial stuff will have to get done in the first year or two and these three Appointments cannot but help speedy passage of such Legislation.

So ever the optimist – I am hopeful that Harper will use his Parliamentary Majorities to his best advantage.

The first signal of that will be what is in next month’s Throne Speech.

More on that – then.

As I see it….

‘K.D. Galagher’