Saturday, March 19, 2011


What did you expect?

But maybe surprising for some of the fact that I agree with him.

Before I get into that, bear with me while I ramble a bit.

From my overall perspective President Obama has been a disaster as President and although I could not vote for the man even if I was an American, after all I am a Libertarian, I was delighted to see him elected given his status as the first Black President of the United States of America.

I was soon to be disappointed in him, mainly because his Administration has spent trillion of dollars on credit - a credit which is wearing thin.

In addition, I do not warm to his We vs. Them philosophy - the We being the so-called downtrodden, welfare recipient and Trade Union Classes all backed by the Left.

Them are the Capitalists, the business community and the hard working centre who are family oriented, pay their taxes and their debts and obey the laws.

Obama was raised and worked in the We Community so it is not so surprising that he identifies with it.

In that regard, what really gets me is where exactly do Politicians like Obama think the money for their expansive governments come from if it is not from the Private Free Enterprise System? But even this System cannot keep up with Administrations' determined to outspend to the tune of Trillions of $ when their Treasuries are broke to begin with.

So you thought I said I agreed with Obama?

I do, insofar-as his decision on Libya is concerned.

This in spite of the great scorn he is now receiving around the world and in his own country where he is depicted as week-kneed, heartless, indecisive etc etc. for letting the innocents in Libya suffer at the hands of their Madman President. And this surprises me.

Did I mention to you that the US is broke - busted in fact with their currency in danger of going Peso. To be fair, this is not all Obama's fault. Republican Bush over his 8 year tenure too allowed their debt to climb to unrealistic levels.

But the fact remains that America is broke.

And as such, it can no longer fill the role as the World's Policeman - it is time for others to step up to the Plate and that is just what happened in the case of the Libyan Rebellion. France and then the UK took the lead in demanding action against the Crazed Dictator. And it's about time.

But permit me to digress again for a moment. Have you ever noticed that when the US does take some form of unilateral action, the chattering masses of the world denounce them in the vilest terms possible. And when the US sits back, stung from all of this criticism, these self same masses once again vilify America for not getting involved - for being indifferent to the plight of those less fortunate. Bottom line - the US simply cannot win.

In the face of this though the United States has on balanced persevered and has tried to do what is right despite the Arm Chair Critics to the contrary.

But what has changed in the last decade or so is that the balance of economic power is shifting away from the States. China as we all know is now its biggest creditor. National, State and Municipal governments are running huge deficits - and something has to give.

And it has started - as we know in places like Wisconsin, Union Powers are being constrained, in Michigan there large public layoffs - 25% and more and California has been reduced to issuing IOUs to its suppliers. The list goes on.

The National Government of the United States spends nearly 50% of its annual budget on Defence - this simply cannot continue. Cuts will soon have to be made or the States will descend again into a major Recession and more likely into a Depression.

So back to Libya. I don't know if Obama had this in mind when dealing with the Libyan Crisis. If he didn't he should have - and either way I fully support the man.

The day is ending when the US can be all things to all people - it is time for Europe - for South East Asia and others to step up and be counted.

That is not to say the day is over for America - but it is to say the day of them going it alone is rapidly coming to an end and we had better all get used to it.

As I see it...
