Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Something Good About The 60s...

The Emancipation of Women.

I have been oft critical about the 60s and how things seem to have down hill since then, but there is one trend that began then which has benefited our Society greatly and that is the coming out of women into main stream society.

More specifically, women began to join the workforce in great numbers with the result today that nearly 50% of our workforce is female.

This trend started in the 60s and accelerated with the high inflation of the 1970s. No longer could families be sustained on only one pay cheque.

There was a downside and that was the lack of women staying at home and the social repercussions it caused and continues to cause today to our children, but in the sense of fairness, a woman should not be expected to sacrifice herself for others - even her own children.

The greater benefit though has been to Society generally since to deny half of the population access, is to ensure that Society only operates at 50 % capacity.

We are what we are today - one of the world's leading countries - due to the fact that we have utilized the skills and abilities of 100% of our citizens. This in stark contrast to those world nations that deny women their rightful place in society and those countries suffer accordingly.

Indeed, in the liberated world, Women have in many cases surpassed their Male Counterparts - take Education for example where women now out number males in post graduate studies - often by large per centages. It provides us Males with an incentive to pull up our socks and try harder.

So as much as I have been critical of developments dating back to the 60s this is one very important area where we have all greatly benefited.

As I see it...
