Friday, November 5, 2010

McGinty was obviously not paying attention...

when his fellow Liberal Premier Gordon Campbell resigned this week.

Yesterday McGuinty announced $40,000 per year for Foreign PHD students for a total of 4 years or some $160,000 per Foreign Student. His Plan sees 300 Foreign Students per year receiving these Ontario Tax Dollars or some $12 million per year / $48 million every 4 years.

McGuinty is just so out of touch. The average Ontario family is struggling to get a decent education for their University Age Students, the majority of whom graduate with huge student loans. It is nothing for an Ontario graduate to owe in the vicinity of $40 - $60K for 4 years of under graduate study.

And that is after much sacrifice on the part of their parents as well.

These debts too often preclude the Ontario Student from even contemplating going on for an MA or heaven forbid a PHD.

Think what an offer of $40K per year for 4 years post graduate studies would do for our own Students? In many cases it would allow them to pay off their student loans and would permit them to continue their studies with a clean ledger.

The other problem with his generosity with our tax dollars is the fact that many Foreign PHD Students come from wealthy, influential families. The $40K per year will be gratefully received them, but not all that necessary.

We have seen how middle class anger has affected the US Political landscape this week; I can only imagine what's headed our way.

As I have mentioned before, due to Hydro Rates tripling in the McGuinty world of Green (read expensive) Energy - people on fixed incomes are wearing their winter garb inside and reading by candle light.

Think I exaggerate?

Let's take a look at some facts.

A single pensioner receives approx $1,300 per month - OAS, CPP and the Income Supplement. After paying rent, heat, food, clothes, public transport, telephone, t.v. - they have zip left to pay for tripling hydro rates let alone pay for the HST Tax Grab.

But it is not just the single pensioner who is falling behind. Families struggling with children have less and less disposable income because of these obscene increases in basic services.

McGuinty simply does not get it, but sadly we are saddled with his administration for another year.

Perhaps he will do a Gordon Campbell but I am afraid that the damage caused by our out of touch Premier will be with us for years to come.

As I see it...
