Whenever a government acts in a "clear, concise and fully transparent" fashion it is wise to look behind its back to determine what is really going on.
Take the recent draft refugee legislation for instance.
The Harper Government claims that it is addressing Canada's out of control Refugee System by clamping down legislatively on the Smugglers behind the arrival of Refugees by Boat.
It won't.
Not only because smuggling itself - whether it is in cigarettes, booze, drugs or people - is virtually impossible to control, but more to the point, the smugglers themselves are not the real problem.
Heresy you say.
The real villains in the piece are the Human Traffickers. These criminals arrange for the entry of people, both legally and illegally into a country, and then live off the avails of their work. Most often this work consists of illegal activities e.g. prostitution / drug trafficking. Modern day Slavery.
And, the Real Problem, is the fact that multi millions of migrants throughout the world are on the move looking for a better place in which to live. When I worked for the Refugee Board 15 years ago, the United Nations estimated the number of migrants to be in the range of 50 million. Today that number would be far higher as the 'world' continues to shrink in this modern age of communications and transport.
Plus, contrary to popular belief, Canada is not obligated to accept migrants as Refugees. As a Signator to the United Nations Convention on Refugees, we are only obligated to accept Refugees who are fleeing from Persecution. Although no statistics exist, I estimate that perhaps one out of every 100 refugee claimants would into that category. The other 99 are looking for a better economic way of life.
Add to this the fact that only a very small per centage of Migrants arrive by Boat (90% + come by air) so legislative initiatives directed against Marine Smugglers are but a spit in the ocean - (excuse the pun).
When I was with the Board some 40% of Migrant Refugee Claimants (at that time some 40,000) simply disappeared after making their claim for Refugee Status. Again, today, that missing contingent would be so much more numerous. It is safe to assume that a high per centage of these missing numbers would be actively involved in crime under the control of Traffickers.
Each year approx 40 - 50 thousand Migrants reach Canada and claim Refugee Status. Half receive favourable decisions - most of the remaining 50% are never returned to their countries of origin but are allowed to stay here in Canada. Save for the tiny few who are legitimately in fear of persecution - the vast remainder are, at the very least, queue jumpers and far too often criminals.
So back to Canada's draft refugee legislation - it is not what it appears to be and it will most certainly not curb illegal migration into our country.
As I See It....