Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Tale of Two Men

Both were born in Canada.

Both got their start in Quebec.

One lived off the public purse.

The other used his wits in the cut and thrust of private enterprise.

Both attained the top rung in their chosen field.

Both received very high honours from Queen Elizabeth II.

Both have very large egos, but only one earned it.

One had the Head of the Development Bank of Canada fired for allegedly not lending money in regard to the sale of his golf course, and was the author of what became known as Ad Scam.

The other fell afoul of the law for trying to keep his businesses going, which he had build with the sweat of his brow and which the shareholders had come to rely upon.

One is still a Canadian - pity.

The other is not - also a pity.

One is free as a bird.

The other is behind bars.

One is named Chretien.

The other is named Black.

Where is the justice?

Enough said.
