Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sports - We Have Gone Off Track Part II

For those of you anxiously awaiting part 2 - you may be in for a disappointment...

Why have sports gone off track?

Because governments have gone off track.

Starting with the Olympics.

From my perspective they have less to do with sport than they do with politics.

Countless billions are spent by the economic elite countries in their quest to buy medals.

A handful of Amateurs are transformed into professionals with government support.

Billions are spent by the Host Country in a bid to outdo its predecessor.

What to do?

First, return the Olympics to Greece. Make it the permanent Host and their costs will more than be repaid via tourists.

Amateurs should not be expected to be in constant training. If they feel it is necessary to do so to win medals - and it no doubt is - that is to be their choice - not their government's. Cut out the departments of sport and return the tax savings to 'you know who'.

If a country does not win a bunch of medals - it is not cause for the gnashing of teeth. Indeed, only a very few select countries really find themselves in the medal race and this is due to their financial prowess. Open it up and give everyone a shot at the podium. To me, it is the sportsman like thing to do.

Return the focus of sport to the population as a whole - children and adults alike.

Authorities in medicine are now saying that children born in this century will not live as long as their parents did due to poor nutrition and lack of physical activity. This is the first time in history that such a development has occurred.

We need to get back to basics.

Have sports run via volunteers and community associations. If it was found that some pay was required - hire students which would assist them in completing their studies.

One role that would fall to the government is the return of mandatory phys-ed in the schools. Plus credits should be given to all students who participate in intramural sports.

Plus school sports facilities need to be made available to the general public.

Society will be the better for it.

As I see it.
