Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ignatieff's First Step Toward Home

By "Home" I mean, England, France, or more likely the USA.

Who'da thunk, that the Liberals harbour such a death wish?

Up to yesterday, the thought that they would move non-confidence at the first opportunity was just not in the cards.

With Ignatieff announcement, the Grits have handed the decision on whether there'll be an election over to the great thinker himself, Stephen Harper. He can easily forestall one; all he need do is promise the Bloc more unnecessary billions for Quebec and presto - no vote.

But if he is smart, he will do everything in his power to rebuff efforts by either the NDP or the Bloc to come to his aid. He now has his majority Government in his sights and nothing will get in the way, if he can help it.

Do Canadians want an election? - No. Should there by an election when we are just now starting to emerge from the Great Recession? - No. Will Ignatieff survive his folly? Not very likely.

As I see it.
