Monday, July 6, 2009


In the time I have been on this earth I have seen many changes; some for the better, most for the worse.

We have gone from a time when family and neighbours cared for one another and were interested in their surroundings, to a time today when too often individuals are out for themselves and where apathy has to a large extent set in.

We find ourselves now with our country men and women split between those who have turned on and tuned out and those who are still trying to hold on to the values handed down to them from past generations. The former, if they can be classified at all, can be described as liberals, the latter, conservatives.

Our governments have degenerated into different shades of liberalism - Republicans are virtually indestinguishable from Democrats and it is the same with Conservatives vis a vis Liberals.

Unless the True Conservative gets involved and assumes the agenda, I believe we are all headed toward an inglorious fate.

More on that later.
